What Is the BariBoss Provider Network?
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How to Partner with BariBoss
If you’re a bariatric clinic or surgery center and you’re interested in providing BariBoss to your patients, we have multiple ways to partner and expand your care options for your patients.
My Experience
It’s been a year and a half and I have lost 100 pounds. I am pain-free and no longer taking any pain medication. I am able to lift my daughter and run down my stairs. For me, bariatric surgery was an answer to prayer.
Post-surgery, I realized there are a group of people out there considering this option. My idea for BariBoss was born. I’m a licensed Marriage and Family therapist by trade and understand that in order to break bad habits, one needs support and direction. When I met with my surgeon a year after my surgery, we discussed that my food cravings were gone, but when the food is in front of me, I still struggle with keeping the right mindset. I’m basically a “dry drunk” with food. My body has drastically changed, but my mind still allows for some bad habits to continue. I’m not “cured” by any means, but I now am learning to be the boss of my own body and not allow myself to be a slave to food.
Many of us who have been overweight learned to live a life of shame. There is no shame in identifying options in order to live a healthier life. I invite you to check out BariBoss and invite you to become your own BariBoss™.